New Website

New Website

We're thrilled to be launching our new look website to make learning with SumBlox as easy as possible. Here you will find tons of ideas on how to use your new learning tools! Visit our 'near me' section to find where SumBlox is for sale near you.

Please leave us your feedback on the site too, we are always looking to improve and provide a better experience for our learners and educators!

Keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter or social media channels where we will keep giving out game & activity ideas to enjoy with your new solid wood math building blocks!

1 comment

  • Lauren Ross

    I bought these three years ago right before the pandemic.. they carried us through. At the time I had an autistic 5 year old that was obsessed with numbers and equally in love with math. These blocks were the highest quality toy I had bought him that was as education as it was open ended play. They carried us through those first few uncertain months and those little numbers became friends where he acted out scenarios and situations. They carried us through the last three years where he’s now growing older and expanding his math skills at an exceptional rate. Over the years we have lost many of our ‘friends’ but they never lost their quality, and that’s quite the lesson for life, isn’t it. Sumblox keep making great products, they are cherished, loved, and engrained in our core memories. Thank you.

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